Is there really a difference between organic & conventional produce? I get this question all the time!

Words like grass-fed, organic, GMO-free & natural seem to be all the rage today; it can get confusing!
Organic means synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, & sewage sludge were NOT used when growing the produce. Not only is this great for our bodies when we eat them, but it's an environmentally friendly way to farm because it helps nourish the soil & keep it viable for future farming.
BUT I get it, organic produce is expensive & we aren’t made of money!
First, there is the ’Dirty Dozen', the list below is the 2021 version. This list contains produce that has been found to have the highest levels of pesticides — the ones recommended to try & buy organic if you can:

1. Strawberries 2. Spinach 3. Kale, Collard & Mustard Greens 4. Nectarines 5. Apples 6. Grapes 7. Peaches 8. Cherries 9. Pears 10. Tomatoes 11. Celery 12. Bell & Hot Peppers
On the other hand, there is the ‘Clean Fifteen'. This is a list of conventionally raised produce that has been found to have the lowest amount of pesticides & chemicals.
Which is good news! Save your money & buy these non-organic.

1. Avocados 2. Sweet corn 3. Pineapple 4. Onions 5. Papaya 6. Sweet Peas (Frozen) 7. Eggplant 8. Asparagus 9. Cauliflower 10. Cantaloupes 11. Broccoli 12. Mushrooms 13. Cabbage 14. Honeydew Melon 15. Kiwi
Do the best you can & don’t stress yourself out about buying everything organic.
You’re already doing great if you are adding in fruits & vegetables when you can!
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xoxo Holly